The Best Board Games For Adults

In a world that’s increasingly connected through screens, board games provide an experience that’s unique and offers an authentic connection with friends or family without relying on a computer or smartphone. Playing board games also encourages teamwork and cooperation, helping people learn important skills that will carry over into their daily lives.

The best board games for adults are those that have a little bit of complexity and a lot of variety to keep players engaged. That’s why we love options like Azul, a dazzling tile-placement game that’s easy to pick up and offers a satisfying level of strategic depth. Or, try Root, a card-based wargame that puts the interplay between factions front and center in an impressively layered experience.

There’s never been a bigger choice of great board games for adults, so it pays to go with your gut instinct when selecting a new one. Often, the theme and box art are the most telling signs, but you’ll want to be realistic about length, complexity, player count, and player style.

If you’re looking for a fun way to connect with your significant other, Spirit Island and Wingspan are excellent choices. These cooperative games let you work together to protect a beautiful magical island from colonial invaders. Or, if you’re looking for a competitive game that rewards resource management and planning, Cosmic Encounter is a sci-fi classic that’s been around for decades. It still has a lot to offer, despite its age.