Board Games Reddit

board games reddit

/r/boardgames is the subreddit for discussion of tabletop games, whether they be card games, miniatures, or board games. There is no one-size-fits-all definition of a board game, and it is common for games to cross genres. For example, Ticket to Ride is a classic gateway game that’s easy enough for beginners but has much more strategy than your standard Monopoly or Risk. Other great gateway games include bluffing games like Skull and Roses, team-based games like Pandemic, or dexterity games like Jenga. There are also eurogames like Dominion, a deck building game, and role playing games such as Alice Is Missing and Captain Sonar which is played as a 90-minute silent RP session where you text the other players in your group. The boundaries between genres are fuzzy, but most people will agree that Catan is a board game and not a eurogame.