Discover a Great Selection of Board Games at Walmart Canada

board games at walmart

Board games can be a great way to unwind at home. They allow you to spend quality time with your family and friends without the distractions of TV or video games.

Walmart Canada has a great selection of board games for everyone to enjoy, from a simple game of Clue to the more complex Yahtzee. You can even find some kid-friendly titles that can be played by children as young as 6.

The Magic Labyrinth: This game is easy to understand for kids and adults alike and offers fun and engaging play. The goal of the game is to find your way through an invisible maze.

Ticket to Ride: A fast-paced and competitive family game that encourages strategic thinking, Ticket to Ride is perfect for families of all ages. It requires players to match train cards and claim cross-country routes, allowing them to score points by connecting cities across North America.

Dungeons & Dragons: This popular fantasy role-playing game has had a revival, and you can find it on sale at Walmart. It’s ideal for new players and potential Dungeon Masters, and it offers a variety of different adventures to explore.

Pandemic: This game is a great gateway into tabletop gaming. It involves a number of plucky heroes trying to stop a global epidemic and requires cooperation and teamwork from all players.

The best thing about board games is that they can be kept on display and easily accessible. You can find plenty of creative ways to store your collection, from ladder-style shelves to floating shelving.