Playing Board Games in Spanish

board games in spanish

Board games are a big part of Spanish culture, and for good reason! They offer fun, interactive ways to practice language skills. In fact, learning with board games is a natural fit because most of these games have some sort of picture support which is excellent for building vocabulary. And as you play these board games with friends or family, you can practice speaking in a variety of tense and contexts.

From the popular tv show The Price is Right to the classic Monopoly, there are many different board games that you can choose from in Spanish. These include the classics and some that are specifically geared towards Spanish learning. These games are an excellent way to practice your vocabulary and tense and context awareness in Spanish.

Another great option for a fun board game that is perfect for Spanish learners is Bananagrams. This game is similar to Scrabble, but with a few differences. The letter values are adjusted to include common Spanish letters like rr, ll, and ch, and the game includes a set of word cards with universal images and Spanish words.

For a more advanced board game that can be played with friends or family, check out Manzanas con Manzanas. This Spanish version of Apples to Apples requires more reasoning skills than the other games on this list, and it is also a great way to practice your vocabulary and tense/context awareness in Spanish. In this game, each player is dealt a hand and the judge plays a card that seems to describe the object or person on the other players’ hands. The player whose hand the judge selects wins that hand.