Risk is One of the Classic Board Games for Kids

board games risk

Board games are great for kids because they often include social interaction. This can help children develop communication skills and learn how to deal with frustration. They can also help improve their social skills, happiness, hand-eye coordination, and self-esteem.

Risk is one of the classics and it’s a great way to introduce your children to strategy games. It’s a game that can be played by a group of people and takes about a few hours to play.

Rules: Players deploy playing pieces or “armies” on the board and take turns claiming territories. The winner is the player who possesses the most territories at the end of the game.

Setting Up the Game:

To start, shuffle Risk cards and place them face down next to the board. The player who placed the first army takes the first turn.

During gameplay, each player takes turns capturing territories and fighting their opponent’s armies. Each player rolls a die to determine whether they have the necessary amount of troops to attack. If the player rolls a number lower than their opponent, they lose troops and the opponent gains them.

Building Up Troops:

Whenever a player controls an entire continent, they gain extra armies to use in future battles. These are called “Continent Bonus” armies.

Collecting and Trading in RISK Cards:

You can collect RISK cards by placing them on your board and then turning them in for more armies. You can collect sets of 3 cards (Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery), or any combination of 3 plus a “wild” card.