The Kids Are Bored With Board Games!

Your kids have played Monopoly for the 50th time and they’ve had enough. They are totally over the game of Life and have completely had it with UNO. There are plenty of other fun games out there! You go to the store where you find an entire AISLE of games. How do you know what to choose? There are so many choices and frankly, you don’t have the time to read all of them. Well, let’s take a look at a few good games that people just don’t think about. They are great games and have a track record of fun times being had. Hey, if nothing else, maybe you’ll find one you or your kids haven’t played!

  • Scattergories is great. This is a game you can play with a larger number of people and it’s just fun for all ages. You have to try to come up with as many words as you can in different categories all starting with the chosen letter- say, “B”, for instance. The idea is to get as many words as you can that are DIFFERENT from those decided upon by the other players.
  • Apples to Apples is a hilarious game where you make different comparisons up. You’re welcome to be as creative as you like. They can really turn into some crazy concoctions. Again, this is a great game for all ages. You can always change it up if need-be to accommodate younger players. This is a favorite with lots of families. Almost as fun as Monopoly (sometimes is), it’s one you’ll want to keep around all the time.
  • Taboo. Oh, yes. This is an all-time favorite also. So, you need to get your friends to guess “brain freeze” but you are not allowed to use the words “ice cream” or “headache”. How can you creatively come up with ways for your friends to guess the phrase? That’s what happens in Taboo. It’s a game where those quick-witted individuals have a field day and all of the others are left laughing. This is a great adult game too for parents’ night out! Oh, yeah. I love Taboo!
  • Ants in the Pants is a good game for the younger crowd out there. The object is to get all of your colored ants in the dog’s pants! How does this happen? Why, by springing them right into his trousers, of course! You can hear the giggles now. The little ones absolutely love this game and it’s one that they can play for a pretty decent amount of time before frustration sets in.
  • Have you played Cranium? The 3-in-1 fold-out game board allows you to play for as long or as little as you like. Everyone gets to become whoever they want- an actor, speaker, whatever you can imagine. Using different activities throughout the game, everyone gets their time to shine so there is no “real” winner or “loser”. Everyone has fun with this game.
  • There are many ways you can have fun on game night. I love riddles. Especially when they are “clean” ones and can easily be turned into all kinds of games. Hope you have fun!