Board Games You Can Play Over Facetime

Games are a great way to break the ice, make people laugh, strengthen bonds, and help you connect even further with your loved ones. And with technology like FaceTime and Zoom, it’s easier than ever to play a game over a video call.

Board Games You Can Play Over Facetime

There are a lot of different board games that can be played over FaceTime and Zoom. Some are simple to play and don’t require any materials. Others are more complex and require some form of set-up.


There’s a good reason why this is one of the best-known board games: It’s easy to play over FaceTime or Zoom! Each person gets a bag of letter tiles and they have to compete to create the word grid that uses up all of them.

Category Race

This is another popular board game that is easily played over FaceTime or Zoom. The designated host sets up the board for everyone, reads the questions to the person whose turn it is, and moves everyone’s pieces.

Wits and Wagers

A three-round match of wits that can be played solo or in groups, Wits and Wagers is the perfect choice for an evening of fun over FaceTime or Zoom! This is an ideal choice for a small group that can’t afford to sit around chatting all night, but they still want to get some good bonding time in.


Azul is a strategic thinking game that can be played with a few players. This is especially ideal for an evening of entertainment over FaceTime or Zoom, as it can be played by a few people who may not be able to gather in person to play traditional party games.