Clue – How to Play Clue Board Games

board games clue

Board games are a great way to spend time with family and friends. They’re also a great way to teach kids good sportsmanship while enjoying a fun competition.

There are many different types of board games and each type has its own rules and strategies. Some games have players move pieces on a board, while others involve the use of dice or wheel spins.

Clue is a classic game that has been around for more than half a century and is a popular choice among families. It features a series of suspects, rooms and weapons and is played by up to six people.

To play Clue, you’ll need a gameboard, six character tokens and six weapon tokens. You’ll also need a clue sheet and solve envelope.

Start by placing all of the character tokens on their designated spots on the gameboard. Then put all of the weapon tokens in a separate room on the board.

Once the board is ready, you’ll need to shuffle all 21 cards in their corresponding groups (suspect, weapon and rooms). You want to keep all of your own cards secret.

Then, you’ll need to roll a die and decide if you can move into a room through a doorway or secret passage. If you’re able to do so, you’ll make a suggestion in that room.

When you’re done, the player to your left will check her cards to see if they contain the character, room or weapon you’ve named. If she has a card, she will discreetly show it to you so that you can mark it off on your clue sheet.